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ATK Launch Systems Project Description


U.S. Department of Energy


ATK Launch Systems in Promontory, Utah comprises over 540 buildings on a sprawling 19,900-acre site accessible by 75 miles of roads. Their power of three main substations and 60 miles of power lines deliver about 17 MW () to the facilities, with an annual energy bill of over $15 million. The objective of this project is to "develop and demonstrate a diverse of renewable distributed generation technologies that are integrated into an intelligent automation with two-way communications to the utility and that will produce an on- reduction of 15% of substation ." The ATK Launch Systems Demonstration Project technology includes: Renewable Energy Sources, which are waste heat recovery systems ??? 100 kW of generation, wind turbines (water pumping/compressed air storage) ??? 100 kW total capacity, and 500 kW of total storage capacity. The wind and waste heat generators will provide energy to recharge the storage systems. The project includes aggregation and monitoring, detection and diagnostics, remote monitoring and control, two-way customer-utility web interface, black start, historical trending and reports, as well as alarm and event notification.

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