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University of Tennessee, Chattanooga - Workforce Training for the Electric Power Sector

Nov. 30, 2010


The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) is developing a workforce fully trained in power technology by providing education and training to current and future workers across a variety of educational levels. For middle schools and high schools, UTC trains teachers about power technology to draw more future workers into the industry. Power-related electives permit undergraduate students to specialize in high-demand technologies. Engineers who have already earned university degrees benefit from additional training in modern power systems through a Masters program, short courses, and seminars. Additionally, certificate programs are being developed in cyber security, Smart Grid, clean energy and efficiency, and power engineering for current technicians and displaced workers. UTC will also develop programs for managers by integrating engineering management courses with power systems education.

The Department of Energy's Office of Electricity (OE) recognizes that our nation's sustained economic prosperity, quality of life, and global competitiveness depends on an abundance of secure, reliable, and affordable energy resources. OE leads the Department of Energy's efforts to ensure a resilient, and flexible electricity system in the United States. Learn more about OE >>

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