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Glendale Community College

Southern California Utility Initiative


Southern California Utility Initiative (SCUI) is a consortium that includes Glendale Community College, California State University Northridge, and Southern California Public Power Authority, Workforce Investment Boards (WIB), and Smart Grid Investment grant funding recipients. The consortium is establishing a coalition that facilitates training and increases the number of qualified graduates by expanding existing training curricula and programs to meet the workforce needs of the Southern California region’s electric utility industry. SCUI will provide regional WIB One-Stop Workforce career centers to help workers acquire training and obtain good-paying jobs. Training will focus on three curricular areas leading to an Electric Utility certificate with 24 units of transferable college credit. SCUI will collaborate with academic institutions to ensure that the training material stays current with new technological advancements and industry requirements.

Contact Information

Deborah Buterbaugh
Project Manager
National Energy Technology Laboratory
3610 Collins Ferry Road
Morgantown, WV 26507-0880

Scott Rubke
Principal Investigator
Glendale Community College
1500 N Verdugo Rd
Glendale, CA 91208-2809
818-240-1000 Ext. 5541

Recipient: Glendale Community Colleg
HQ State: California
NERC Region:
Total Budget: $844,396
Federal Share: $750,000
Funding Program:
Project Type:
Targeted Benefits:
  • Well-trained workforce for Southern California utilities
  • Skill upgrades for incumbent workers
  • Job retention and employee growth

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